Monday, May 20, 2013

I have a more positive look on the Robotech kickstarter

If you have been on the fence about the kick starter for robotech the minis game i think they have crossed the line where you are now getting a pretty good deal with all the add on bonuses and optional items.  I am a little broke or I would be pulling the trigger on this thing.

The thing is the bonuses start at the $140 battle Cry level.  So its clearly the level you want to buy in at.

UPDATE 1:  Looks like they just unlocked the 1,300,000 stretch goal for the next gen battloids and they will perhaps hit the next one or two goals.  Looks like this is more worth your time.

UPDATE 2:  1,3200,000 or so now so the deal is getting better.  My wife's trip to Florida  was very expensive or I would be in on this.

UPDATE 3: Looks like they unlocked the experimental battloids you didn't see in the series.  I think I had a model of these things that I never put together back as a kid.  I wasn't very handy.  If you can get another 45,000 into the pot , some extras are added into the main set to sweeten the deal.  Right now you have a solid game line.

UPDATE 4: Wow now they have the upgrade pack for the superveritech unlocked and are moving quickly.  I didn't expect to she the ghost drones added to the Battle Cry set but it looks like they will be.  Perhaps even more coming too.

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