Others would mark fall, full of it's own joy. And even Krampus would eat candy corn and mark the dates of Krispy Kreme's coming out with pumpkin spice doughnuts, but Christmas was the matter on his mind. Lists to keep up with. Lists of children to beat, children to eat. It was all very important to keep straight. Strand lights to be checked and recheck. Switches needed to be cut. One would be exhausted with worry if not starting very early.
Late in October when much was in hand, Krampus relieved as it was going as planned, he took time to enjoy the autumn. Sea of leave caught in the air, whipping and whirling dancing without care. Lawns left patchwork blanketed, some carefully raked and made nakeded.
And then there was the party,A mad mad monster of a party. Metal's mascot monsters all loved Halloween, and all the monsters from all the albums you've ever seen, all partied on Halloween. Not Man, Vic and Eddie, Voivod and Sargent D , Snaggletooth even Set Abominae. All came to a gala night in the latter of the year.
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