Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Pathfinder battle - Builder Series: We be Goblins

This is a great little product line from pathfinder especially if you have been working on a series of goblin focused adventures, like me.  They are giving you goblins at three bucks a pop and dramatically expanding the line at once.  This seems pretty close to the big pack of goblins or skeletons I was asking for when the pathfinder miniatures first came out. 

You can check out and order them from the pathfinder web site at  http://paizo.com/products/btpy8ww8

The minis are in the style of goblin paizo is now known for.  I think they are good, thought I am not sure why the archer in the picture above is in a wedding dress and veil.  I got this one and a wizard type goblin along with a couple of goblin dogs.  I wish the goblin warchanter had an instrument but that is a quibble.

If you are doing anything with my goblins of parra plot seeds these seem like a slam dunk for you.  A bit of a san jose warning, I bought up the last they had at the airport game kastle.

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