Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sample rules part 14 the Vrehalija

Having written so much fiction for the game project I have been working on I figure I should try to address some of the races I have talked about more mechanically.  I have written some of the Vrehalija a sand pilot named Ooshinahope.  I wanted to talk more generally about my concepts for his people.

While I am trying to infuse the game with it's own character and style, this race draws pretty heavily from the High Human concept that is present in many games.  I wanted them to fill the roles of both character and potentially villain so I feel that progressive disdain for the primal suits them.

In game terms they are the corrected Caz'zit made tall and strong limbed.  They are as strong and hearty as human, nimble and quick footed.  I would view them as average or someone above average on these attributes, but never reaching exceedingly high levels of aptitude. They are well spoken and charismatic.  Their minds are rugged and resistant, with even the young wise beyond their years.  One element that betrays their Cazz'it heritage is their dark almost scaled skin.

The dress and customs of the people were sort of a mix of Comanche and feudal Japanese.  My idea is to fuse the Comanche leaderless Nation less structure with the courts of the samurai.  So having roles and even titles come into being and cease to be depending on the time of year.  A high chief of the winter court may only perform meager roles in the summer for example.  The dress would be the kimono somehow reworked in leather and beads.

While most of the Vrehalija are pilots, horsemen and caravaneers some have taken to the cities.  There is some worry that they will be overtaking the Cazz'it position of prominence.

The most common weapon of the Vrehalija is a riding lance sort of a heavy spear.  They are also known for a particular type of horned war maul or tetsubo. It is a long heavy ended weapon used while mounted.

If put into Pathfinder terms they would look something like this.

Racial Traits

        All physical traits must be between 10 and 14 (the point purchase method of creation is best used for creating Vrehalija heroes)
    +2 to Wisdom
    Cultural skills: +2 racial bonus to Pilot and ride skills

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