Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dundracon and general Gaming Convention Tips

In an effort to help spur attendance in gaming conventions, particularly those local to the bay area, I have worked up a few notes to help new folks thinking of attending.  I am going to make my points concise and less long winded than I usually am.

1.  Don't do this spur of the moment planning will save you money and increase your enjoyment.
  • The pricing works so that you pay less the earlier you sign up with online pre registration.  It much more expensive at the con.  A four day pass to Kublacon is 40$ through the website and 60$ at the door.
  • Hotels offer convention rates that are much cheaper than standard rate.  
  • You really want to stay at the hotel that is hosting the event.  Parking is a pain and being able to store you are games is a huge help.
  • Bring your own snacks and drinks if you want to save.
  • Make sure your washing is done ahead of time and you are ready to go when you like.
  • Have cash on hand and don't have to pay ATM fees
  • Charge your camera if you want to take pictures.
  • Make sure you have all your games and supplies packed up and in the car when you want to go.  This is especially true if you want to play some rare game you own.  
2.  You can attend just one day, and perhaps should if you are new.  Smaller investment in time and money if you don't like it and you get the feel for it.

3.  Kids are welcome. 
  • To increase interest in the hobby conventions have youth and teen game rooms
  • Older teens have been playing in regular convention games forever so no worry there
  • They even give you special parent rates at Kublacon pre registration.
  • A note of caution to parents with dating aged daughter.  They will get a lot of attention at a convention and often from boys of semi inappropriate age.
4.  A quick google search of gaming convention will give you a few in your area.
  • Anime and Sci Fi cons are similar but different, though probably offer gaming.  If you are just interested in gaming do your research.
  • Many cons have links and forums on their site which may help you.

5.  A few events of interest in the San Francisco Bay area.

Scifi and non game specific Conventions

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