The night of Christmas went off without a hitch. Krampus took pity on a couple of tots and left them crying in a ditch. Except for that small glimmer of remorse the monster was the fury of the north. The beast kicked in doors and stormed of with children. There was no city that kids were safe in. Santa commended Krampus at the end of the night. This year he really had sewn some fright. With the work finished Krampus finally headed home, a solitary monster now not so happy to be alone. He would be happy to again see Idunn, but not now or morning he'd sleep until noon. She would have presents and parents make such a fuss, maybe he could see her late after dusk.
With a buzz the radio told him of a change of plans, another for the naughty list, more work at hand. He was tired and groaned at the call. The elves assured it was near his home and the child small. Krampus already full rocked his stomach to make some room. He was glad the night would be over soon. When he arrived at the address something stuck in his throat. This was Idunn's house he checked and rechecked the note. Did he write the numbers bad, this can't be right he was mad! Then the monster thought of her little hand turning the rack and worried crept up his back. Was he to blame for her downward turn, the notion hurt like a burn.
This wasn't right Krampus cried, searching the sky for a sleigh that flied. You don't make a friend and then chew her up; Krampus tears could have filled a cup. He roared and moaned but also thought, and a glimmer of an idea must have been caught. Krampus wasn't crafty but simple and direct, and this plan was something he needed to be correct. No kicking in the door no menacing roar; this had to be sly as the fat man breaking into your house, cold as a cat playing with a mouse.
There was evidence that he need gone, there had to be no trace at the end of this con. He didn't know what the neighbor had seen but the monster needed to get away clean. Maybe a fire the big beast thought, He could say he wanted the girl flame broiled if he was caught. Krampus could burn out the neighbor and say wrong address, and then maybe Idunn would be out of this mess. He wouldn't eat her, this much he knew, but still he worried what would he do?
Krampus smashed a bottle of beer and tried to set it alight, being a monster he wasn't aware it needed more alcohol to ignite. With work he set the fence on fire roasting nuts on the open flame. Soon the neighbor’s house spared up blazing much the same. The beast Laughed loud shouting for all to hear, but secretly hurrying the dog to safety, have no fear. His cries awoke the street and of course Idunn. Krampus's monstrous form silhouetted against the moon. Some gasped in terror some pass out others just wondered what the noise was about. But soon everyone knew a monster preyed upon the block. For most it was sort of a shock.