Monday, October 22, 2012

Krampus for Christmas part 113 very few changes

Even with lessons some folks don't learn and sooner than later another visit was earned.  Krampus again waited deep in the night, to catch the family in solstice eve’s delight.  This time he took the chimney breaking it apart, then bursting in like Santa only evil and dark.  The fire cracked with a bright Krampus plume then burning logs flew into the room.

Idunn watched from the sidecar of the cycle outside; using a few blankets to keep warm and hide.  She laughed at the screams emitting from the home and the cracks and crunches of Krampus breaking their bones.  She wasn't vicious or at all mean, but she rooted for Krampus she was part of his team.  She didn't really understand what it was she saw, but cheered for the monster with a giant foam paw.

Krampus cackled grabbing the boy, taking a bite for his ear with pugilistic joy.  Next he grabbed the girl caning her ass, this year she had been a bitchy condescending young lass.   Daddy was punched and knocked out his wind; Mommy took a switch right in the end.  Their phone list at last Krampus took, to visit their friends according to the book.  Lastly Krampus set up a manger then strolled out the door, after all it was the reason Christmas was for.  Again in the yard Krampus places a Christmas scene; with Jesus in nativity all glowing in saintly sheen. Mary and Joseph stood nearly four foot tall.  Hand carved by Krampus not the crap you get at the mall.  The beast was Bavarian and woodwork in his soul. Even Santa elves would be proud of his toil.

Lights shone like a beacon calling onlookers there.  To wonder at the jolly house and the Christmas in the air. He stole a donkey and a couple of merry pigs, corralling them in the yard quit impressive digs.  Idunn helped with the outside manger scene.  Then she and Krampus road off after making sure they were not seen.  Hopping on his bike and kick starting with a jerk, the neighbors would soon behold their work.  Fleeing the scene the monster smiled proud tearing off with the motor running loud.  Krampus made sure to get her back to her bed. Approving of her work with a pat on the head.

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