Thursday, May 30, 2013

Campaign Seed: The goblins of Parra part 9

A few more story points for The Warriors story arc.  Yes this is 100% referring to the 1979 movie of the same name.  I just through it would be a fun challenge to be battling their way home through enemy lines.

Title: The Warriors (The forest oracle)
Minimum Threat: 80
The party still on the run stumbles upon a meeting of two clan leaders and a mysterious woman.  This takes place under a tree that is filled with the bodies of hung men, elves and monstrous humanoids.  The two clan champions immediately attack the party.  The woman does not.
Battle Success: 100 gold is added to the treasury.  Threat increased by 5. Thigpen the dryad offers the party advice on how to escape and who may be behind the attack.  She sees members of the Cloven Helm goblin horde being involved
Stealth Success: Thigpen the dryad offers the party advice on how to escape and who may be behind the attack.  She sees members of the Cloven Helm goblin horde being involved
Failure: One of the captains blows his horn and calls for more to come to the area.  The Dryad urges the party to run and vaguely points to a high range of hills to the east.

Title: The Warriors (The Dwarven Holdfast)
Minimum Threat: 80
Directed to run by Thigpen the party has taken an eastward turn to an area of the mountains the goblins usually avoid.  The area is the site of an old dwarven hold that is perhaps haunted.  Those who venture to close do not return.

The party will not be followed in this area but if they venture into the hold they will be attacked.  The Dwarves there are highly defensive of their hold.  Perhaps there is more here to deal with and a means of strengthening the goblins.  A path to the drow lands?  An artifact?
Battle Success: 450 worth of goods are here, crossbows, axes and armor all of high quality. Resupply consumables.
Failure: Party remains on the run and continue without resupply.  Fight off the party but don't have them too hurt on this fight. 

Title: The Warriors (King of the unbroken oath)
Minimum Threat: 80
The party still on the run are met by the Unbroken Oath clan of hobgoblins at the foot of the mountain.  This will be one of the two final battles in this arc.  This fight is meant to have a break point in it.  The fight will either end with a withdrawal on the Hobgoblins part or delayed combat until after dealing with the assassins.
Battle Success: 1000 gold is added to the treasury in jewelery and significant magic weapon .  Threat increased by 20.  Clan Battle rating increased
Diplomacy Success: Party delays combat with Unbroken Oath clan until Cloven Helms are confronted.  Clan diplomacy increase.
Failure: This arc should be played to party wipe, players are expected to leave comrades that have fallen.  This is on the the dramatic high points of the campaign so killing off players is fine.

Title: The Warriors (Clove helms come out to play_ay)
Minimum Threat: 80
The Party have delayed combat with the Unbroken Oath clan or killed them.  They are now marching on the Cloven Helms.  They have a known location and the Party joined by other horde warriors come to battle.  This should be a full clan on clan fight.  Party are able to directly confront clan leaders while others deal with the warriors of the clan.  If party wishes to participate in full scale clan war let them. 

When Cloven Helm leaders are confronted they should be a party of mixed goblinoids.  These must be wiped out for the arc to be complete.
Battle Success: Clan leaders are magically disguised humans and demi humans.  It seems to be the humans are working to sew conflict between the tribes.  5000 gold is added to the treasury.  Threat increased by 25.  Clan Battle rating increase.  Cloven helms collapse and land is lost you gain 20 further warriors and 50 noncombatant goblinoids.  The Unbroken Oath become allies and work to call of the hunt.
Failure: This arc should be played to party wipe, players are expected to leave comrades that have fallen.  This is on the the dramatic high points of the campaign so killing off players is fine.

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