Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Krampus for Christmas part 32

Krampus gathered pumpkins after Halloween half smashed on the road. He left them rotting on his window sill until they were three weeks to old. From them baking thanksgiving pie, with home make crust that drew many flies.

Yams were hand smashed and candied golden brown, soaked in syrup so sweet it was hard to get down.  Scallop corn and stuffing rounded out the meal, It was so heavy anyone else would be sick, bu Krampus heaped on seconds and thirds with a happy squeal.

Who knows what part kids played in the feast, he may have ground their bones to make the biscuit yeast.  There was some doubt as it was before the season, but Krampus knew a butcher with meats for every reason.

This fits in somewhere with the thanksgiving scene

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